e-Learning system
Products and Service
Training system
Exam system
Sign-up system
WeChat learning system
e-Courses sales system
Mobile learning
- Learning program push
- Course sales and payment
- Virtual classroom discussion, teacher Q&A
- WeChat registration and sign-up
- Global Video Cloud
- Cheating-prevent for exam system
- Bulk user management
- Multi-language system
e-Learning system customization
is more flexible to help your training
Complete ownership
All the data of the platformAll the source code
Functions according to needs
Learning paths for positions & talentsIntegrate data to your other systems
Unified login for multi-systems
Flexible hosting solutions
Physical server, cloud server,or intranet server
Customized visual design
Accord with the corporate CIWhite label service
Unrestricted & unlimited
Unlimited number of usersUnlimited times for learning
Maintenance and upgrade
Maximizes the return of investmentLong-term and regular safety inspection
Find out how K2VC Co., Ltd. uses our customized talents-share system in WeChat to do career development management.
Find out how Toyota Auto Finance Ltd. uses our customized elearning system to train the employees from more than 1000 dealer-shops all across the country.
Find out how Sun Yat-sen University uses our examination system to achieve the paperless final exam and score statistics.
Professional service
- Customize the solution with our 15-year experience on e-Learning.
- We provide you a targeted, cost-effective learning system accessible anytime, anywhere.
- Regularly check and upgrade to ensure stability and security.
- Maintenance service in year pack or by hour.
We help you achieve
Any of your ideas
Any of your ideas